MAR i virkelighedens verden – erfaringer, ‘dos and don’ts’
MAR trådte i kraft for knap to år siden, og selv om det kan synes som længe siden, hersker der fortsat stor usikkerhed blandt markedsaktører om, hvad der er korrekt. Finanstilsynet modtager fortsat mange forespørgsler fra noterede selskaber og fra advokater, hvilket var baggrunden for igen at tage emnet op. Anne Bruun, Finanstilsynet og Christian Lundgren, Kromann Reumert delte deres erfaringer på medlemsmødet den 26. juni 2018.
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IR: future-proofing business & Discover – the latest trends
June is high season for international IR-conferences in Europe as well in the US. Again this year DIRF visited the annual conferences of our fellow IR organizations, NIRI, in Las Vegas from 10-13 June and IR Society on 19 June.
Click here and gain some quick insights into the hottest topics in the IR world here and now and developments influencing your job.
How to navigate in new waters – DIRFdagen 2018
Checkout the programme highlights – Save the date / book your seat
The annual DIRFday conference for Investor Relations professionals will take place on 28 September 2018 and be hosted by Plesner, Amerika Plads 37, Kbh. Ø.
The 2018 conference themes will build on the latest IR tactics and strategic topics, best practice together with the current and future trends impacting the Investor Relations work.
IR news, trends and best practice
- VP Annual General Meeting Analysis: Active ownership and digitisation set the scene
Evolution rather than revolution – that is what characterises Danish AGMs. But over recent years something has happened, as investors – especially institutional investors – are exercising their ownership rights more actively.
- IR Magazine: MiFID II seen as internalizing IRO and investor work
Regulation starting to have real-world impact.
- Rivel Research Review: MiFID II – buyside response
The stipulations of MiFID II are taking hold, and this is an early read on the European buy-side’s response.
- Expert investor: Beyond the greenwash – ESG identity crisis
Billions flowed into European ethical funds over the last year but scratch beneath the surface and the sector is being held back by a lack of clarity over what it stands for.