Why all Issuers Should be Concerned about Shareholder Activists – summary of CMi2i webinar on 20 Oct.
As companies stabilise after the initial turmoil of the coronavirus pandemic, it will be increasingly important to have shareholder support for new plans and initiatives that aid recovery. This year we have seen a huge amount of volatility, with some company’s current shareholder structure unrecognisable to what it was only a few months ago.
Navigating shareholder activism in the era of COVID-19
– summary from webinar hosted by IR Society on 21 October
Activism is everywhere – now a common viewpoint contrary to previous assumptions that it was mainly a US phenomenon. Very often you see that the activism is not advocating radical new changes. Instead, they often have longer term perspectives like for instance eliminating dividend payment for long-term growth plans and investment instead of just taking out dividends and exit the share.
Årets DIRFdag afholdt i pandemiens greb
For første gang var DIRFdagen en ren online begivenhed. Årsagen var covid-19, som i disse måneder forandrer IR-arbejdet og virksomhederne, men som også rummer store muligheder. Med kun talerne til stede i salen hos Gorrissen Federspiel blev der under overskriften ‘Virtual IR – new ways of working’ stillet skarpt på, hvordan medlemmerne håndterer kontakten til investorer, analytikere og andre interessenter i en digital tid, hvor covid-19 tvinger os til at anvende nye arbejdsformer, nye platforme og på andre måder holder os fra det offentlige rum?
Se eller gense indlæg, interviews og meget mere på DIRFdagen 2020
Siden sidst har der været en del ændringer blandt medlemmerne rundt omkring:
- Danske Andelskassers Bank A/S – her er Alma Lund Høj, Direktør for Direktionssekretariatet nu den primære Investor Relations kontaktperson.
- Solar A/S – her er Dennis Callesen startet som IR Director efter Charlotte Risskov Kræfting. Dennis er et velkendt ansigt i DIRF-regi, da han tidligere har været tilknyttet IR-teams hos hhv. Ørsted og TDC igennem mange år.
- Hos SP Group A/S er Tilde Kejlhof blevet udnævnt som CFO efter Jørgen Nielsen, der er gået på pension.
- DS Norden A/S – her er Thomas France nu Investor Communications Partner. Thomas tager over efter Christian Henriksen, der er skiftet til Pandora i en stilling som Treasury Manager.
- Endelig er Cristina Rønde Hefting skiftet fra H+H International til Huskompagniet, der planlægger en børsnotering inden for den aller nærmeste fremtid.
Investor Relations news from near and far
- VP Securities – Towards a more flexible and shareholder-friendly approach to AGMs
Due to the Covid-19 outbreak and the subsequent restrictions, the annual general meeting (AGM) season 2020 was anything but normal. Many companies chose to hold their AGM as an electronic hybrid, and both companies and shareholders have generally now gained useful experience from using the electronic format. Everyone hoped that Covid-19 would only be a temporary challenge, but there are many indications that this is something with which we will have to live for a longer period – and this is expected to have an impact on the coming AGM season.
- Rivel – Investment Drivers: Shifting Priorities
With a very tough and intense eight months behind us and continued uncertainty ahead, we use this edition to look at how investment drivers are changing – what has become more important and what remains unaffected by the pandemic.
- New study on the Impact of MiFID II Rules on Investment Research – The European Commission
The statistics indicate that MiFID II did not reduce SME research volumes more than trend (after adjustment for cyclical effects). However, statistically significant declines in large equity research did occur. Also, Issuer Investor Relations (IR) activities were hampered as MiFID II impeded the traditional role of brokers in facilitating contacts.
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