The Impact of MiFID II rules on Investment Research
DG-FISMA of the European Commission has engaged Risk Control to analyse the effects of the MiFID II unbundling rules on investment research.
The project will address four questions:
- What is the market and legal landscape for European securities research with particular focus on corporate bonds and small cap equities?
- How have buy-side research budgets evolved before and after the introduction of MiFID II?
- What determines the pricing and quality of securities research provided by the sell-side?
- How have the MiFID II rules affected access to finance for medium sized companies?
In studying these issues, Risk Control would very much welcome the cooperation of industry and regulatory representatives across multiple European countries. Risk Control will seek to meet with buy-side firms, brokers, IRPs, securities issuers and regulators to discuss the effects of the MiFID II rules on investment research on a confidential basis.
Links to the surveys may be found at:
Thank you for your participation
Hvordan skaber jeg interesse om mit selskab blandt investorer?
Dette DIRF møde stiller skarpt på investor targeting i ikke klassiske segmenter, herunder hvordan micro/small og mid cap-selskaber bedst henvender sig til det formuende privatsegment/investorsegment.
• Hvad er der af investérbare penge?
• Hvor finder man investorerne?
• Hvordan kommunikerer man med dem?
Formålet med mødet er at give inspiration til, hvordan man kan øge opmærksomheden og interessen for sit selskab og – forhåbentlig – dermed kan øge likviditeten i aktien.
Der vil være input fra tre kendte eksperter på området, der hver især vil komme med deres bud og oplæg til muligheder. Og det vil blive samlet i en uddybende Q&A og dialog om best practice og nye trends.
- Per Hansen, Investeringsøkonom – Nordnet
- Thomas Fromm, CFA/porteføljemanager – Investering & Tryghed
- Mikael Bak, Direktør – Dansk Aktionærforening
Alle er meget velkomne uanset, hvilket segment man tilhører – og som altid er du velkommen til invitere kolleger med.
Mødet finder sted den 26. juni 2019 kl. 9.00-11.00 hos Get Visual, Bådehavnsgade 46A, 2450 København SV
DIRFdagen 2019 – IR engaging in a world going sustainable
After a year of considerable political, market and regulatory change, the annual conference will explore ways in which IR can adapt and overcome these challenges to fully exploit the value of the public markets and help lead our companies to win the competition for capital.
DIRFdagen 2019 – the conference for Investor Relations professionals- will take place on 24 September 2019 at EY, Osvald Helmuths Vej in Copenhagen.
This one-day Investor Relations event offers excellent opportunities to learn, keep up to date and network with peers, so save the date now!
The 2019 conference themes will build on the latest IR tactics and strategic topics, best practice together with the current and future trends impacting the Investor Relations work.
Some programme headlines
- Reporting
- Strategic communication
- Risk management
- IR as a career
More news on this IR-event of the year will follow – so stay tuned.
Medlemsnyt – kort præsentation af nytilkomne medlemmer
Fremadrettet vil denne sektion være udvidet med en kort præsentation af nye medlemmer, og der vil også blive bragt korte omtaler af mangeårige medlemmer, portrætter af enkeltpersoner m.m. for at uddybe netværket.
DIRF glæder sig over at kunne byde velkommen til:
- Brünniche Consult & Invest
Henrik Brünniche Lund er et kendt ansigt i DIRF-netværket fra sine år som Head of Investor Relations hos først A.P. Møller-Maersk og derefter Ørsted. Før det var Henrik Head of Research hos Carnegie Bank og analytiker hos bl.a. Danske Bank, Nordea og Sydbank. Derudover hjælper Henrik til med planlægningens af DIRFs medlemsmøder som medlem af Aktivitetesudvalget.
Hos Ambu glæder det os at byde velkommen til:
- Nicolai Thomsen, IR Manager
- Hos Nilfisk er Jens Bak-Holder startet som Director og Head of Investor Relations. Før det har Jens de seneste godt seks år været Head of Investor Relations hos IC Group og M&A analyst hos Tryg.
NB! Har du skiftet job, eller kender du til ændringer med relevans for netværket, må du meget gerne meddele det til sekretariatet.
Husk at følge os på LinkedIn – tilmeld dig her.
The Investor Relations Society offers courses to DIRF members
Ways to improve your IR job and career
The IR Society, based in London, is delighted to offer courses to all members of DIRF, we offer a wide range of professional development courses on various topics for those new to Investor Relations and those who have worked within the industry for several years. All DIRF members receive IR Society courses at a member rate.
For more information and link to courses (most courses are also posted on DIRF’s website).
IR news, trends and best practice
- NIRI Think Tank Report: Investor Relations – the disruption opportunity
Take a few moments to read this report from our US peers on the future of Investor Relations and how IR might evolve in coming years.
- The Shareholder Rights Directive II
The objectives of the Directive are to enhance transparency in the investment chain and to hold investors accountable for the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in investment decisions, the level and quality of long-term shareholder engagement and the alignment of investors’ investment strategy and remuneration structures with the medium-to-long term performance of their clients’ assets.
- Økonomisk Ugebrev Samfundsansvar
EU enforcers focus on new IFRS standards and non-financial information
- PwC
Aktionærrettighedsdirektivets bestemmelser er nu vedtaget og implementeres i dansk lovgivning som forventet.
- VP Securities- The 2019 AGM season
Increased focus on management remuneration a new reality facing listed companies.