Dear member,
Just before the Easter week, DIRF held its annual general meeting. All agenda items were adopted as presented on the website in the minutes from the meeting, and subsequently the board constituted itself with Claus I. Jensen, Danske Bank as chairman and Anders Hjort, Ambu as deputy chairman. We encourage you to take a closer look at the new board.
If we dive into more of the resolutions passed at the meeting, it has been necessary to adjust the structure and pricing of the annual corporate membership fees. This is done to reflect general price increases and the required resources to run a member organization like DIRF with higher demands to a professional operation in an ever-evolving industry.
DIRF membership is held by the company signing up, and the annual membership fees are priced relative to the size of the company (according to index or number of employees as on 1st April) and valid for the following year (see I.e. the DIRF membership fee is settled per corporation and includes registration and free access to all events and services for a free number of employees with IR-relevant jobs – cf. + The total annual subscription and membership fee covering the period 1st April 2024 until 1st April 2025 all included is as follows:
- C25 and Large Cap companies – 18,000 DKK annually
- Mid Cap and companies with more than ten employees – 8,000 DKK annually
- Small Cap, Microcap and companies with less than 10 employees – 4,000 DKK annually
- Private membership for individuals (max. for one year) – 2,000 DKK annually
Consequently, invoicing will follow shortly to our primary contact in each member corporation or according to the specifications registered at the DIRF secretariat. Please note that DIRF has moved to a new address, so it may be necessary to update your supplier database accordingly:
DIRF – Dansk Investor Relations Forening
Amagertorv 14, 2.
DK-1160 Copenhagen K
On behalf of the board and peers, we thank you for your continued support and cooperation and look forward to the coming year in our IR-community. If you have any questions, ideas and suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.