Abstracts from DIRF webinar: Coronavirus – How to give guidance in uncertain and rapidly changing times
The webinar was organized in replacement of the usual members’ meetings as we remain committed to delivering high quality services for our members during this difficult time. DIRF’s very first online webinar coordinated in cooperation with Q4 and Livehouse Europe.
The event was a huge success with 58 IR experts having signed up prior to the webinar, 167 were registered during the live recording and subsequently 99 have logged in to the on-demand replay.
DIRF would like to take the opportunity to thank the panel of Thomas Holst Laursen, Plesner; Iben Steiness, Carlsberg and Maja Schou-Jensen, A.P. Moller-Maersk for sharing their insights with other IROs.
DIRF medlemsundersøgelse – brug 5 min. og vind lækker vin
Hvis du ikke allerede har deltaget, så kan du stadig være med til at forme DIRFs tilbud og aktiviteter, der understøtter IR som profession ved at give din mening til kende i denne rundspørge, som besvares via linket her (er ikke længere aktivt). Blandt svarene trækkes der lod om en eksklusiv vingave.
Medlemmernes svar bruges af bestyrelsen og udvalg til at planlægge, hvilke aktiviteter og organisation DIRF skal have fremadrettet.
Rundspørgen lukker den 22. april 2020.
Webinars the predominant source of IR-communication
Many Investor Relations associations have replaced their ordinary network and information meetings with webinars during the general lockdown caused by the global pandemic. DIRF keeps a close eye on subjects covered by our partners and will be sharing summaries to the extent possible.
- IR Society: Reporting and Stakeholder Communications
Comprehensive advice and practical tips on regulatory developments and broader issues to consider for your reporting, including annual report preparation, and AGM planning in light of Covid-19. - BNY Mellon: COVID-19 – Global Economic Implications
- IR Society: IR in a virtual age
Insights and practical options to help IR teams tackle a virtual events programme, including results meetings, roadshows, AGMs and capital markets days. - IR Magazine – Opinion:
Why the suspension of quartely guidance should last beyond Covid-19
DIRFdagen 2020 – SAVE-THE-DATE
The annual DIRFday conference for IR professionals will take place on 24 September 2020 at Gorrissen Federspiel, Axel Towers in Copenhagen.
This one-day Investor Relations event offers excellent opportunities to learn, keep up to date and network with peers, so please save the date now!
The 2020 conference theme will build on the latest IR tactics and strategic topics, best practice together with trends impacting the Investor Relations work. Last year a record crowd of IR professionals gathered to meet peers, get useful input and inspiration.
More news on this IR-event of the year will follow – so stay tuned.
Link to DIRFdagen 2019
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