SAVE THE DATE – DIRFdagen 2021
Planning of the conference is in full progress and the topics will feature the following:
- Macro-economic overview – Make or break for the financial markets post-covid
- IR learnings post-covid
- IR – backgrounds and opportunities
This year the event will take place as a hybrid, i.e. both as an online webcast and with a limited number of members present at the venue. This will give everybody full access to Q&A, chat room and sponsor presentations.
Speakers and more programme details are being announced in August.
SteelSeries was looking for an ambitious and dynamic candidate to join the company as IRO, Head of Investor Relations.
Næste medlemsmøde: EU’s taksonomi – hvordan skal vi gribe det an?
Som opfølgning på webinaret om aktuelle og kommende ESG rapporteringskrav fra EU den 11. juni afholder DIRF den 31. august et opfølgningsmøde, hvor vi dykker ned i forståelsen af taksonomien og ser på, hvad det konkret betyder i forhold til jeres rapportering. Vi stiller skarpt på krav og forventninger, og på hvad I sammen med jeres organisationer skal fokusere på.
Indtryk fra ‘Aktuelle og kommende ESG-rapporteringskrav fra EU’
Taksonomi, bæredygtige investeringer, ikke-finansielle data. De tekniske begreber flyver gennem luften, hvis man dykker ned i aktuel og kommende EU-regulering på bæredygtighedsområdet. Efterspørgslen fra lovgivere, investorer, banker m.v. er støt stigende efter sammenlignelige og pålidelige data om, hvordan virksomhedernes aktiviteter påvirker klima- og miljøforhold. Derfor er ESG, samfundsansvar, CSR-rapportering m.m. ikke kun en opgave, der er begrænset til virksomhedernes bæredygtighedsafdelinger, men i stigende grad også for Investor Relations. Læs indtryk fra DIRF’s medlemsmøde den 11. juni, som 85 medlemmer havde tilmeldt sig.
Det er med stor glæde, at vi kan byde velkommen til tre nye medlemmer, som byder på gensyn med ‘gamle kendinge’ af DIRF og nye ansigter i netværket:
- Saxobank
Saxo bliver medlem af DIRF for at deltage i informationsudveksling med de største virksomheder i Danmark omkring udviklingstendenser og best practice bl.a. inden for kommunikation, ESG, rapportering og disclosure.
– Thomas Steen Hansen er netop startet i Saxo Banks CEO Office og har bl.a. fokus på strategi, M&A, kommunikation og ESG. Thomas kommer fra en stilling som Global Head of Research i Danske Bank.
– Ata Bærentsen er Head of Board Service i Saxo Bank og arbejder bl.a. med Saxo’s ESG strategi.
- Green Hydrogen Systems
Green Hydrogen Systems is a clean technology company and a leading provider of standardised and modular electrolysers for the production of green hydrogen solely based on renewable energy. With its wide range of possible applications, green hydrogen plays a key role in the ongoing fundamental shift in our energy systems towards a net-zero emission society in 2050.
– Jens Holm Binger, Head of Investor Relations (tidl. Head of IR & Treasury hos NNIT A/S)
- Aquaporin
Aquaporin is a water tech company delivering innovative technology built on nature’s own water filtration. From treating industrial wastewater and concentrating F&B products to enhancing the drinking water quality and accessibility, our water filter membranes and solutions are used for endless purposes all over the planet.
– Mikkel Tanderup, Head of Investor Relations
Derudover er Jacob Johansen, Director for IR & ESG hos ISS A/S blevet tilknyttet netværket. Og hos Danske Bank er Liselotte Kamper startet som IR Koordinator. Stort velkommen til jer alle.
IR-news from near and far
- Harvard Business Review: The changing role of IR
A monumental shift in today’s equity markets has redefined the relationship between companies and their investors. Read the advice on how the IRO job needs to change. - Rivel: ESG has seized the attention of Head of IROs
For the first time in the history of this global research among head IROs, the single most important IR goal being set for the upcoming year is NOT identified as “achieving fair valuation for your company. - Finanstilsynet: Temaundersøgelse om tilbagekøbsprogrammer
I rapporten konstaterer Finanstilsynet, at der er en eller flere fejl i 13 ud af 14 offentliggjorte tilbagekøbsprogrammer. Afsættes der nok ressourcer til at sikre, at de offentliggjorte tilbagekøbsprogrammer overholder de begrænsninger og betingelser, som kræves for at være omfattet af beskyttelsen? - IR Magazine: Buy side more likely to take meetings arranged directly
Companies are increasingly going direct when it comes to corporate access, according to new research from IR Magazine, with direct contact second only to sell-side corporate access. - Georgeson: Memo on Climate in the 2021 AGM season
More than ten companies across Europe have put forward boardsponsored advisory resolutions on their climate disclosures and action plans at their 2021 Annual General Meetings. On the other hand, there have been five other climate-related proposals submitted by shareholders that obtained more than 5% of support. Read how it went at DSV Panalpina’s AGM.
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