Besøg konferencesiden og se videointerviews og fotos fra dagen
- Keynote: Investor Relations seen from the C-suite – Jacob Aarup-Andersen, CFO, Danske Bank
Med sin baggrund og brede erfaring fra såvel investor- som selskabssiden vil Jacob bl.a. give indblik i, hvordan han ser udviklingen inden for IR, herunder ESG, governance og regulering. Hvordan bruges investordialogen til at finpudse den generelle investorkommunikation? Hvor ligger de største muligheder og udfordringer for IR, og hvad er det vigtigst at fokusere på fremadrettet set i lyset af udviklingen og trends?
- Shareholder activism and ESG – what are the trends and do we give it enough attention?
Shareholder activism and ESG focus is increasing globally combined with efforts to strengthen investors’ regulatory mandates, exemplified by the Shareholder Rights Directive. How can companies work actively to support responsible interaction and investment and best obtain the necessary information for a constructive dialogue with investors – irrespective of their “activist” agenda? How do the companies best respond to an activist investor perceived as aggressive?How are the corporate ESG initiatives and performance measured – and is it feasible to avoid ESG exclusion lists? Will ESG responsibility be considered in opposition to financial returns – or will it be two sides of the same coin ?
– Thomas Holst Laursen, Partner, Plesner
– Gilles Mentré, Managing Director, Lazard
– Søren Larsen, Head of ESG, Nykredit
- The 2017 AGM and proxy season – global and local trends
In this session you will get insights into current trends in shareholder and investor engagement and especially on the topics most frequently meeting resistance among investors. Is it a problem if proxies constitute the majority at the general meeting? How are proxies controlled and is it a smooth process or room for improvement? Georgeson and Computershare offer insights into working with foreign proxies and guidelines from proxy advisors prior to the general meeting.
– Domenic Brancati, COO, Georgeson
– Henrik Brünniche Lund, Head of Investor Relations, DONG Energy
– Michael Kjøller-Petersen, adm. direktør, Computershare
- A GAME-CHANGER! How is MiFID II expected to affect issuers and Investor Relations?
MiFID II is a game-changer for European equities. What is the industry going to look like in a few years’ time? How will behavior change? And with just less than four months to go, are market participants ready for the new world?
– Simon Chisholm, Founder and Managing Director, Feros Advisors
– Anne Ulriksen, Global Head of Credit Research, Nordea
- Nye tendenser i det europæiske marked med betydning for danske udstedere
Det fælles europæiske afviklingssystem TARGET2-Securities (T2S) øger harmoniseringen af aktiemarkedet i Europa, og det får betydning for størstedelen af de danske udstedere. En tendens til flere ordinære udbyttebetalinger pr. år og fremadrettet flere Voluntary Corporate Action – herunder valgmulighed for udbyttebetaling i form af penge eller aktier – hvordan vil det påvirke markedet?
– Morten Skanning, Senior Product Manager, VP Securities
- Investor trends and impact for IR in 2017 and beyond
This session will highlight the current investor trends and focus on the rising share og passive investors. How can IROs address a multifaceted layer of additional complexity in their shareholder base? How can you engage with passive investors identifying opportunities in a world of passive investors? Get some best practice tips for IROs to identify investor opportunities ahead.
– Patrick Hughes, Director, Nasdaq Corporate Solutions
- Increasing need for investor targeting in the light of changing regulation
As a result of MiFID II, broker behaviour and corporate accesses specifically will change. This may require IR teams to take more in-house responsibility for investor targeting.
– Alex Moody, Associate, Perception Analytics, Ipreo
– Adam Knight, Senior Analyst – Corporate Analytics, Ipreo
- Megatrends – digitalisering og cybertrends
Fremtiden rammer os alle! Relationen mellem aktører og stakeholders indenfor IR-området vil blive påvirket af en verden og et marked, hvor øget usikkerhed, forandrede digitale datastrømme, nye krav og forventninger samt behovet for scenarier kommer i højsædet. Data og information er i stigende grad blevet ustyrlige, og behovet for at kunne styre et anarkistisk data-flow kommer til at blive afgørende. Virksomheder vil blive vurderet i real time på parametre som spænder fra det faktuelle til det emotionelle. Og spørgsmålet bliver for alle aktører: Hvorfor skal jeg have tillid til dig?
– Carsten Beck, Forskningschef v. Institut for Fremtidsforskning