We joined forces with Rivel in their annual compensation study. The results of this comprehensive study are an important tool for all those who are active in the field of investor relations (IR) to better assess their activities and working environment. With this – as well as our other activities – we want to offer our members exclusive added value and support them in advancing in the IR job.
In collaboration with Rivel, we asked our members to provide information on various elements of their job. Questions addressed IR objectives, the reporting line within the company, the regularity and content of performance reviews and, finally, job satisfaction. The results draw a profile of investor relations managers in Europe – broken down by gender, age, education, experience, weekly workload, and travel days. Further, they depict the current situation in the IR working environment.
The results of the study are vital in understanding the status quo and the development around compensation. In addition to the question of basic salary, the results also refer to bonus payments and other possible benefits, such as company cars, life or health insurance, share plans, paid parental leave, etc. of European IR Professionals. The findings also assess the level of satisfaction with the job with the IR community. The clear structured and comprehensive nature of Rivel’s questioning make it possible to distinguish salaries in a wide range of categories.
The confident handling and use of financial ratios are part of the tools of the trade in investor relations, so equipped with the job-relevant data, IROs can utilize this essential information for their own personal development.
We would like to thank our members who took the time to participate in this research and Rivel for their cooperation, thorough research and preparation of the findings.
Please contact Tina at the secretariat for more information.